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Broadening the Minds of Future Wildcats Through Global Engagement

Broadening the Minds of Future Wildcats Through Global Engagement

The Mershons were glad to find a way to combine their wishes for a legacy gift with Westminster's current needs.

"Languages change the way you think of things…it's immersing yourself in another way of thinking and to come at it from a different direction," says Anna Jorgensen Mershon '65. She credits her Westminster teachers, especially Mademoiselle Groleau, sometimes known simply as "Mademoiselle," for igniting her talent and passion for French language and culture, which led her into a career as a French teacher.

Anna is grateful that her parents were able to make Westminster possible for her and her sisters and as a result, she and her husband, Hays, have chosen to endow the Anna Jorgensen Mershon Fund, in Memory of Mlle. Madeleine Groleau through a gift in their wills to support French language studies and study abroad opportunities for Westminster students. "It was a good investment for Anna's parents and while private institutions have a need to advance, so do the costs," Hays says. "A Westminster student is worth it."

Interest in language emerged in Anna due to her Westminster teachers' interest in her. Her early exposure to the French language had been very basic, but that all changed when Anna came to Westminster in sixth grade and Madame Berry stayed after school to coach her. "Mademoiselle" unleashed Anna's talent even further in eighth grade. "It was like a French classroom would have been run; everything was in French, you didn't have a chance to make your ear go wrong," Anna says.

Her curiosity ignited, Anna pursued ways to further her immersion outside the classroom through opportunities abroad that engaged her in French culture. She studied and taught through programs in Aix en Provence, Paris, and Rennes, Brittany.

Immersion experiences broadened Anna's mindset. "Languages change the way you think of things…some languages don't have a word for 'left' or 'right'…some distinguish feminine and masculine while others do not…your mind has to open up," she says.

"We found a way to combine our wishes with Westminster's needs that made sense for both."

Anna and Hays had long provided for Westminster in their estate plans; recently, they refined their wishes through gift agreements. Their goal is to provide future Wildcats the same type of immersion opportunities that inspired Anna.

Anna and Hays worked alongside Westminster faculty and staff, sharing their personal interests while learning more about what opportunities would meet the needs and desires of current students. "There is programming available now that was not available when Anna was there. We found a way to combine our wishes with Westminster's needs that made sense for both," they said.

Anna and Hays found the experience rewarding. They hope to inspire students with Anna's experience and also hope others will consider giving as they have. Anna recalls a line from Hamilton: "'What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see', but by sitting down and working through this [with Westminster], we feel we've seen it."

If you would like to honor your time at Westminster by leaving a legacy gift, please reach out to Lauren Flores at [email protected] or 404-609-6438 to begin the conversation.

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